Banana Bread

Banana Bread

I love baking. I'm always creating new recipes as I find it difficult to follow recipes and not change them! My philosophy on food is eat real food.  Over the years I've been vegetarian and paleo but find I need animal protein to sustain me, so I've found its less stress on me to eat wholesome food, mostly vegetarian with a little fish and chicken, but I'm learning to listen to what my body needs. 

 I prefer to avoid labelling how I eat, as I think it places unhealthy expectations on you and can encourage eating disorders. In my practice as a Health Coach and a Pharmacist I'm seeing young people restricting certain foods and struggling with lots of things. I've been there before. More on that another blog..



There are so many psychological and physiological benefits to practicing meditation and we all have the innate ability to access this wonderful, natural and powerful method of healing the mind/body.


Infrared Heat

Infrared Heat

We heat our rooms using Infrared Heating up to 30 Degrees to help connective tissue within the body glide over them easily.  Our aim is to keep the room at a temperature that promotes sweating as a great way of detoxing through the skin, which is the biggest organ of our body and to warm the body to keep the body supple, increasing joint mobility and flexibility. 

Breath in Yoga

Breath in Yoga

"Breathe or you will die". Obviously the breath is important.  On a day to day basis our autonomic nervous system controls our breath. That is, we breathe automatically. In yoga we ask you begin to pay attention to your breath. By bringing awareness to your breath you begin to connect the body and the mind.